Managing Mental Illness in the Workplace

  What can employers do to support and effectively manage employees who may be struggling with their mental health? With an estimated one in five Australian adults suffering from a mental illness in any given year, this is becoming an increasingly important question for organisations to answer. From talking to an employee with a mental […]

To Disclose or Not to Disclose

  For many employees, one of the most difficult aspects of navigating the modern workplace is deciding whether to disclose a mental health issue. Not every employee is required to be open about their condition, and there is often a fear of the potential consequences for their career if they are. We take a look […]

Job Stress, or Psychological Injury?

  Being aware of job stress, and proactive about its potential effect on staff and their ongoing mental health, is an important component of ensuring employee satisfaction and OHS in any business. But it is crucial not to confuse job stress with a psychological injury, which may or may not have been caused by the […]

Mental Health in the Workplace

  Making sure that your staff are fit and healthy, enabling them to perform their duties at an optimal level, forms an essential part of being an employer of choice. But beyond ensuring that your staff are physically capable, it is essential to also look after their mental wellbeing. Underestimating the importance of mental health […]

Preventing the Sexual Abuse of Adults with a Disability

  Sexual abuse of people with a disability is a crime that unfortunately is often misunderstood, undetected and ultimately overlooked by organisations. Individuals with a disability are often uniquely vulnerable to sexual and other forms of abuse and deserve both strong protection and swift action in relation to any such allegations. Organisations responsible for the […]

How to Write a Robust Workplace Investigation Report

  At the conclusion of a workplace investigation, the investigator has the challenging task of pulling together all relevant material into a cohesive report. The style of report that is chosen will be firmly linked to the purpose of the investigation, keeping in mind the requirements of the readers and users of the document. Investigators […]

Legal Issues When Conducting Workplace Interviews

  When a workplace investigation has to be conducted, the most valuable information will generally be obtained through interviewing the staff involved in the incident and any witnesses. This information will play a critical role in determining what has happened or who or what was responsible. In order to obtain relevant and reliable information from […]