Procurement and Corruption – The Warning Signs

  Effective procurement requires the ability to foster productive relationships and to secure the best possible terms within a contract or project. However, there can be a fine line between savvy negotiation and a gradual descent into corrupt and/or fraudulent behaviour. Despite robust legal and policy requirements relating to procurement activity, fraud is nevertheless an […]

Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace For All

  Developing a positive working environment where all employees are supported is key to looking after the mental wellbeing of your staff, and freeing them up to be their most productive selves. A safe and healthy workplace is one which is inclusive and caters for the needs of all workers. According to the Australian Human […]

Managing Mental Illness in the Workplace

  What can employers do to support and effectively manage employees who may be struggling with their mental health? With an estimated one in five Australian adults suffering from a mental illness in any given year, this is becoming an increasingly important question for organisations to answer. From talking to an employee with a mental […]

To Disclose or Not to Disclose

  For many employees, one of the most difficult aspects of navigating the modern workplace is deciding whether to disclose a mental health issue. Not every employee is required to be open about their condition, and there is often a fear of the potential consequences for their career if they are. We take a look […]

Job Stress, or Psychological Injury?

  Being aware of job stress, and proactive about its potential effect on staff and their ongoing mental health, is an important component of ensuring employee satisfaction and OHS in any business. But it is crucial not to confuse job stress with a psychological injury, which may or may not have been caused by the […]