
Between 2018-2020, 35% of Australian organisations surveyed were affected by fraud, yet only 38% of those businesses investigated a suspected fraud incident.

66% of Australian organisations surveyed don’t have established due diligence or monitoring processes for working with their partners, yet almost one in five respondents were asked to pay a bribe.

Wise Workplace Training developed this training course to provide participants with the skills to identify indicators of fraud and corruption in professional workplaces, conduct risk assessments, and conduct fraud & corruption investigations in accordance with the Australian Government Investigation Standards. It covers your organisation’s obligations under Public Interest Disclosure legislation, how to respond to and investigate public interest disclosures, and how to ensure you use robust protections and procedures for all whistleblowers. The course is an outstanding professional development opportunity for individuals working in the areas of finance, human resources, complaints management, public interest disclosures, or risk and audit.

Learners may choose a one day course, or add a second day to focus on compliance investigations, auditing skills and content integrating with our qualification the Certificate IV Government Investigations. 

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the short course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand your organisation’s obligations under public interest disclosure legislation
  • Ensure your policy and practice aligns with whistleblower protection requirements
  • Identify indicators of fraud and corruption
  • Identify and assess public interest disclosures for eligibility and obligations
  • Handle disclosures which do not meet PID thresholds, including managing stakeholder expectations
  • Assess and manage risks
  • Recognise and manage potential conflicts
  • Recognise non-compliance with legislation
  • Make an initial assessment of the evidence
  • Analyse data
  • Explain the role of an investigation as part of fraud control measures
  • Understand the concepts of natural justice and procedural fairness
  • Manage anonymity and protections for a discloser in an investigation
  • Develop terms of reference for an investigation
  • Identify a range of sources of evidence
  • Develop an investigation plan
  • Evaluate evidence gathered in an investigation
  • Conduct a formal record of interview
  • Uphold the rights of respondents without breaching the rights of a discloser
  • Gather evidence from whistleblowers according to compliant procedures
  • Make findings

Course Overview

Duration: Two days 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM AEDT

Delivery Mode: In person or virtual workshop


Course fees

Public classes: Contact us to express interest

Private classes: $3,990 plus GST per day (class sizes from 4-25 learners)

Learners who enrol in our nationally accredited PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations within six months of completing this two-day course receive a 25% discount, and may qualify for recognition of prior learning and/or credit towards the certificate. Learners wishing to take up this opportunity are advised to retain records of their attendance and their activities completed during the class.

Course Entry Requirements

  • Must be 18 or more years old
  • Must have obtained an academic level of Year 12 or above or equivalent
  • Must meet course prerequisites and the requirements of our enrolment process

Training Dates

For a private course for 4 or more learners, please contact us directly to arrange any training dates, content, delivery location at your convenience.

If you want undertake this course but don’t have 4 or more learners, please contact us to express your interest. We will notify you once there are enough interested learners to run a public cohort.

An important note: during 2024, all public courses will be delivered online using Zoom

More information

Please contact us for more information about Investigating Whistleblowing, Fraud & Corruption.