birds fighting

This one-day program is aimed at HR professionals seeking to develop their skills and processes for conflict resolution. Prepared and delivered by our mediation team, our course Workplace Conflict Resolution provides learners with mediation skills and a confident, compassionate, principled approach to conflict.

Note that this is not an accredited course offering mediation accreditation, and is recommended for use only within your organisation.

Workplace Conflict Resolution gives learners knowledge not only of when and how to resolve conflict (including by mediation), but of the causes and barriers that give rise to conflict and how to prevent them. The course will equip learners with the communication and emotional intelligence skills to deliver immediate benefit in the workplace, making this a worthwhile and practical opportunity.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this short course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand and assess their workplace conflict context
  • Manage their own role in conflict and culture
  • Understand the risks, causes and costs of conflict
  • Apply a range of tools for de-escalating, preventing and mitigating conflict
  • Understand the end-to-end dispute resolution process and be able to adapt the process to fit circumstances
  • Know the role, qualities and approach of a good conflict resolver
  • Know how to choose the right process and person
  • Identify situations which are appropriate for mediation or other dispute resolution techniques
  • Be guided by the principles of conflict resolution and your workplace framework
  • Apply communication tools for conflict management
  • Use and develop emotional intelligence to resolve conflict
  • Understand the rights, obligations and privacy impacts of conflict resolution processes
  • Correctly document conflict resolution processes

Course Overview

Duration: One day 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM AEDT

Delivery Mode: In person or virtual workshop


Course fees

Public classes: Contact us to express interest

Private classes: $2,625 plus GST per cohort (class sizes from 4-22 learners)

Course Entry Requirements

  • Must be 18 or more years old
  • Must have obtained an academic level of Year 12 or above or equivalent
  • Must meet course prerequisites and the requirements of our enrolment process

More information

Please contact us with questions about Workplace Conflict Resolution.