How to Navigate Counter Allegations in Investigations

How to Navigate Counter Allegations in Investigations Natasha Kennedy-Read and Vince Scopelliti – Friday, February 14, 2020 It is not unusual when investigating allegations such as sexual harassment, bullying or theft for the person accused of the misconduct to make a counter allegation. This in turn can generate further counter allegations, making it difficult for […]

Making Findings in Workplace Investigations

When a workplace investigation is coming to an end, one task can seem deceptively simple – making findings. It might seem that because all the information is now available, the investigator can surely just state ‘the obvious’ in their report. Yet as with most tasks in the investigative process, quality outcomes require much greater consideration […]

Putting the ‘Reasonable Person’ to the Test

  When determining what led to a certain set of events or making an important decision, it is essential for investigators and decision makers to have regard to an objective standard. In trying to get to the bottom of a situation or establishing an appropriate course of action, relying on the ‘reasonable person’ ensures that […]