Audio Recording or Written Statements?

Appropriately recording evidence is a crucial part of workplace investigations. For investigators, this can cause a significant dilemma as to whether it is preferable to rely on written statements, or obtain audio recordings of interviews conducted during the investigation. Here are a few of the main considerations for each method. Audio recordings An audio recording […]

Making Findings in Workplace Investigations

When a workplace investigation is coming to an end, one task can seem deceptively simple – making findings. It might seem that because all the information is now available, the investigator can surely just state ‘the obvious’ in their report. Yet as with most tasks in the investigative process, quality outcomes require much greater consideration […]

Writing an Investigation Report

To say that a workplace investigation report is an important document is certainly something of an understatement. Following the investigation, the report will be relied upon for all manner of significant organisational decisions, tasks and action. As a result, it is essential that workplace investigators create a professional, transparent and unbiased document. ONE REPORT, MANY […]

Interview Techniques for Workplace Investigations

In any workplace investigation, there will be multiple competing factors for an investigator to consider. One core issue is developing the appropriate interview strategy. Investigative interviewing requires careful consideration of the purpose of the investigation, and exactly who will be interviewed. There is also the question of tone – ensuring that the interview remains cordial […]

Substantiating Claims of Reportable Conduct

It is one of society’s great shames that our most vulnerable individuals are often open to abuse by those entrusted with their care. However, it is somewhat edifying to know that stringent legal and regulatory measures are in place in Australia to ensure that employers and others act quickly when allegations arise of abuse in […]

The Legality of Recording Conversations

How many times have you wished you had a record of a conversation? Perhaps you would have liked evidence of what was said, or you would have appreciated being able to play a conversation back for training purposes. Whatever the reason, we examine the legality of recording conversations in Australia. when can you record a […]

Briginshaw Applied: Weighing Up The Evidence

For those involved in workplace investigations, one court case seems to be of central importance – Briginshaw v Briginshaw. Interestingly, this 1938 case is actually about alleged adultery in the context of divorce! So the question immediately arises – why do the concepts in Briginshaw seem to hold sway in the context of workplace investigations? […]