How Fact-Finding and Disciplinary Investigations Differ

How Fact-Finding and Disciplinary Investigations Differ Vince Scopelliti – Tuesday, February 25, 2020 When dealing with allegations of staff misconduct, employers must be able to clearly delineate between fact-finding and disciplinary investigations. This includes communicating the difference to staff involved in the process. fact-finding vs formal investigation A ‘fact-finding’ process is often a necessary preliminary […]

When a Pre-Determined View Leads to an Unfair Investigation

Procedural fairness must be top of mind, for all organisations when conducting a workplace investigation. Failing to allow an employee sufficient time to respond to an allegation or taking a pre-determined view of the outcome of an investigation, for example, proceeding with terminating employment, can leave an employer open to an unfair dismissal claim. The […]

Outsourcing or In-House Investigations?

For many businesses, one of the critical HR questions is whether investigations into alleged employee misconduct or misbehaviour should be outsourced or conducted in-house. Depending on the nature of the business and the complaint, it may not always be appropriate or cost-effective for investigations to be referred externally. However, in other circumstances, particularly when the […]

How to Deal with an Uncooperative Respondent

When conducting investigations in the workplace, senior staff and human resource managers often have to deal with uncooperative respondents. Understandably, this can significantly hamper the progress of the investigation. WHat is an uncooperative respondent There are many ways in which the smooth running of an investigation can be negatively affected by an uncooperative respondent. This […]

The Right Mix: Professionalism, Impartiality and Empathy

When conducting a workplace investigation, it is essential that there is consideration given to maintaining an appropriate balance between professionalism, impartiality and empathy. By ensuring that this balance is maintained, employers are best able to protect the interests of staff, and safeguard against allegations of inappropriate conduct during the investigatory stage. the need for professionalism […]

When to Use an External Investigator

Using in-house resources to sort out organisational problems certainly makes a lot of sense. HR departments tend to be well equipped to receive and manage internal complaints, facilitating solutions as they go. But while sourcing external assistance can seem unnecessary, there are certain serious workplace situations where calling in specialist investigative expertise will be the […]

Overcoming Unconscious Bias

  When conducting investigations or otherwise making determinations in the workplace, it is essential to avoid bias, whether conscious or unconscious. It is equally important to avoid a situation where co-workers believe decisions made in the workplace are biased – whether real or perceived. What is unconscious bias? Unconscious bias may take a number of […]

Bullying: What’s the Role of Leadership?

Workplace bullying is somewhat of a scourge in modern society. Broadly categorised by Reach Out Australia as any behaviour which is physically, mentally or socially threatening and takes place in the employment context, it can have an enormous impact on staff effectiveness, employee retention, the number and type of worker’s compensation claims and, of course, […]