Dealing with Pornography in the Workplace

  Unsurprisingly, the access to pornography can be extremely problematic in the workplace. Not only does the access to pornography at work open up a minefield of possible harassment and other sexually motivated complaints, it contributes significantly to presenteeism (where staff are physically present but not concentrating on their jobs). Indeed, according to a report […]

Substantiating Claims of Reportable Conduct

It is one of society’s great shames that our most vulnerable individuals are often open to abuse by those entrusted with their care. However, it is somewhat edifying to know that stringent legal and regulatory measures are in place in Australia to ensure that employers and others act quickly when allegations arise of abuse in […]

Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace For All

  Developing a positive working environment where all employees are supported is key to looking after the mental wellbeing of your staff, and freeing them up to be their most productive selves. A safe and healthy workplace is one which is inclusive and caters for the needs of all workers. According to the Australian Human […]

Managing Mental Illness in the Workplace

  What can employers do to support and effectively manage employees who may be struggling with their mental health? With an estimated one in five Australian adults suffering from a mental illness in any given year, this is becoming an increasingly important question for organisations to answer. From talking to an employee with a mental […]

Mental Health in the Workplace

  Making sure that your staff are fit and healthy, enabling them to perform their duties at an optimal level, forms an essential part of being an employer of choice. But beyond ensuring that your staff are physically capable, it is essential to also look after their mental wellbeing. Underestimating the importance of mental health […]

Preventing the Sexual Abuse of Adults with a Disability

  Sexual abuse of people with a disability is a crime that unfortunately is often misunderstood, undetected and ultimately overlooked by organisations. Individuals with a disability are often uniquely vulnerable to sexual and other forms of abuse and deserve both strong protection and swift action in relation to any such allegations. Organisations responsible for the […]

Managing Complaints – How To Find The Positive

  When an employee complaint alleging workplace discrimination or harassment is lodged, it is usually seen as a negative moment in the life of the organisation. However, it is possible for an employer to view this as a positive phenomenon, rather than a sign of complete failure. This is because well-handled complaints can illuminate hidden […]

Identifying a Toxic Worker

  Getting the mix of personalities in the workplace right can be extremely challenging. Creating a harmonious workplace is difficult at the best of times, and if a toxic personality is thrown into the equation, it can disturb the equilibrium of the workplace. Let’s take a look at how you can identify and deal with […]