How Fact-Finding and Disciplinary Investigations Differ

How Fact-Finding and Disciplinary Investigations Differ Vince Scopelliti – Tuesday, February 25, 2020 When dealing with allegations of staff misconduct, employers must be able to clearly delineate between fact-finding and disciplinary investigations. This includes communicating the difference to staff involved in the process. fact-finding vs formal investigation A ‘fact-finding’ process is often a necessary preliminary […]

The Implication of Delays in Workplace Investigations

Conducting proper workplace investigations is a crucial component of effective business management. A failure to undertake an appropriate and timely investigation, can have significant consequences for the parties involved in the complaint, and potentially the legal outcomes for the business. An important aspect of any investigation is ensuring it occurs in a timely manner. WHAT […]

Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Employers understand that it is their responsibility to provide a safe workplace. Yet unlike physical health safety concerns and hazards such as lifting, tripping, sun exposure and dust reduction, many employers find themselves uncertain about how to support the mental health and wellbeing of their staff. The first and most powerful antidote to this uncertainty […]

How to Deal with Workplace Conflict

Any sphere in which humans interact with each other is likely to involve certain levels of conflict. This is certainly the case in the workplace, where employees are required to spend significant amounts of time with people they may not otherwise choose to be involved with. Although workplace conflict is unavoidable, it does need to […]

Performance Management vs Bullying: Where’s the Line?

Employers often face a quandary in dealing with underperformers, and whether to place them onto a performance management program. It’s essential that any such move can always be considered to be ‘reasonable management action’ in response to inappropriate behaviours or inadequate or unsatisfactory performance, and not simply a way of bullying an employee. Let’s take […]

How to Deal with an Uncooperative Respondent

When conducting investigations in the workplace, senior staff and human resource managers often have to deal with uncooperative respondents. Understandably, this can significantly hamper the progress of the investigation. WHat is an uncooperative respondent There are many ways in which the smooth running of an investigation can be negatively affected by an uncooperative respondent. This […]

Sharing Information After a Workplace Investigation

For employers, the completion of a workplace investigation can feel like the end of a marathon. The relevant issues have been aired and discussed, a report delivered and decisions made. However, it is also important to effectively share relevant information with affected parties and the broader organisation as the investigation process draws to a close. […]

Addressing Post-Investigation Workplace Culture

  Workplace investigations may cause disruption and even animosity in the workplace. An incident occurred and a workplace investigator must attempt to get to the heart of the problem. Once the investigation is over, there will inevitably be fallout in the workplace, which any employer would be well advised to address actively. We examine the […]

How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation

  Engaging in a difficult workplace conversation is one of those tasks that most managers and business owners would prefer to avoid. Yet the reality is that from time to time, workplace behaviour or performance will be below par and will need to be addressed. The key to conducting a challenging conversation at work that […]