Unpacking the Concept of Reasonableness

Across all Australian workplaces the phenomenon of bullying is without doubt a front-and-centre topic. And as a result, overt instances of bullying in the workplace now tend to be more readily identified than ever before. One challenging idea for all concerned however is this; is it possible that management action that is entirely reasonable could […]

Inference or Evidence? Professionals Know the Difference

In the conduct of any workplace investigation, it can sometimes be tempting to hurry past those alleged facts that appear “perfectly clear”. Such perceptions arise when we draw together two or more related elements from an investigation, add our own assumptions on the matter, and infer from this a particular conclusion. Unfortunately, such inferences almost […]

Liability for Volunteers: The Question of Workers Compensation

Workers compensation is one of those central issues that necessarily impacts upon the thinking and planning of Australian employers. To use the old phrase – “accidents happen.” And indeed, it is this inevitability that leads to the simple, no-fault basis of most Australian statutory workers’ compensation schemes. Yet workers compensation is a variable beast, and […]

Within ‘Spitting Distance’ of a Fair Investigation?

Most workplace investigators operate fairly and thoroughly, producing high quality reports following each investigation. Yet oversights do occur – and some investigators have been known to miss vital clues or pieces of the workplace puzzle.Similarly, even though all essential material might be uncovered during an investigation, it still might not be accurately incorporated into the […]

Protecting and Managing Volunteers in the Workplace

    Most of us agree that volunteer work is an excellent initiative; one of those ‘win-win’ situations where both the organisation and the community benefit from the unpaid work of kind citizens. We also understand that even the best work-related relationships have their challenges. These include issues around workers compensation, clashes between paid and […]