Eden has over a decade of experience in investigations across the disability, child safety and insurance sectors. Eden has been our Training and Development Manager for the past 3 years focussing on trauma-informed offerings as well as specialised investigation frameworks.

How to protect yourself from upward bullying

A quarter of Australian bosses are the targets of upward bullying according to a study conducted by Griffith University. Upward bullying occurs when a manager is subjected to bullying behaviour by their subordinates.   Recent research presented at the 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying in Auckland last week presented new research on the dynamics of […]

The State of Bullying in Victoria

There has been a deluge of reports coming out of Victoria in the last few months focusing on bullying and harassment. The hair-raising antics of former Geelong Mayor Darryn Lyons are detailed in the parliamentary inquiry report released last week. Lyons is reported to have threatened, bullied and displayed other unacceptable behaviours towards staff. He […]

Corruption as Culture

Imagine this. Alice, new to her workplace, is given a company credit card for expenses such as client entertainment and work-related travel. She notices that other employees use their credit cards to purchase lunch, even when they’re not entertaining clients, and has heard a couple of people saying that they use it to buy petrol […]

Can IBAC Become a Corruption Watchdog with Bite?

With corruption costing the world economy an estimated 2.6 trillion dollars per year, you can bet that organisations are sitting up and taking note. Plenty of them are losing big money, and a lot of individuals are getting rich by underhanded means. The Victorian Government took action to stem the scourge of corruption in 2011, […]

Corruption and Deviant Behaviour in the Public Sector

Jill McMahon – Thursday, March 03, 2016 Corruption is a significant issue in Australia’s public sector. It can exist in many forms with varying degrees of severity. But even though its existence is well documented, it remains difficult to address because witnesses can be unwilling to report their experiences. There can be many reasons for […]